Korean Hand Therapy
Awhole new world of wellness
Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) is truly amazing! It’s a specialised form of acupuncture that focuses on the hands. I’ve studied KHT since 2015 and use it most days for my clients and for self-care. What’s great is that it’s not all about needles! By using magnets, pellets and moxibustion (like incense, it’s the burning of the herb Mugwort), KHT is effective in prevention as well as cure.
As an holistic approach to healing, acupuncture has been practiced for centuries, combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques. KHT was discovered by Korean Acupuncturist, Tae Woo Yoo PhD.
In the very hot summer of August 1971, he was studying face reading (yes – that’s a thing!) and searching for a new approach to the traditional system of acupuncture. That night, he had a severe occiput headache, located a tender point around the top of the middle finger and was surprised to discover that the headache rapidly disappeared when he stimulated the point with a ball point pen. He figured that the top of the middle finger represented the head. Completing years of study, he eventually published his first text book on the subject in 1977. His work shows that the whole body is reflected in the hands and gentle stimulation of reflex points may help prevent, manage, and treat a wide range of health conditions.
KHT helps your overall wellbeing. Imagine feeling a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation as your body's energy flows freely, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised. Say goodbye to pain, stress, tension, and discomfort, and hello to a renewed sense of balance and harmony.
Korean Hand Acupuncture is not just about physical health; it also works wonders for mental and emotional wellbeing. By addressing the root causes of imbalances, it can help alleviate anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost our overall mood.
But wait, there's more! It’s a self-help tool. Korean Hand Therapy can be taught to clients. By learning the location of specific points on the hands and how to stimulate them, you can continue therapy at home between sessions. You can take an active role in your healing and manage your health more effectively.
If you’d like to try something new, please get in touch or make an appointment. Here is a reminder of why you should consider KHT:
It’s effective: KHT works with pain. Conditions such as arthritis, migraines, back pain, and joint pain.
It’s non-invasive: Korean Hand Therapy can be a non-invasive form of acupuncture, as it solely focuses on the hands. Tools other than needles can be used, magnets, acupressure, pellets and moxibustion. This help for those who are uncomfortable with acupuncture needles.
It's accessible: Hands are easily accessible, making Korean Hand Therapy convenient. Clients can receive treatment anywhere, anytime, even without a treatment table. This allows for self-treatment at home.
It’s quick and efficient: Korean Hand Therapy can sometimes give quick results. It’s because of dense nerve endings and acupuncture points on the hands.
It’s a self-help tool: Korean Hand Therapy can be taught to clients. By learning the location of specific points on the hands and how to stimulate them, you can continue your therapy at home between sessions. You can take an active role in your healing and manage your health more effectively.
It's a complementary treatment: Korean Hand Therapy can be used alongside other complementary treatments such as traditional acupuncture, tuina massage, red light therapy or herbal medicine.
#KoreanHanAcupuncture #HolisticHealing #BalanceAndHarmony #WellnessJourney #VibrantHealth #EmbraceThePower
As with any form of therapy, individual experiences with Korean Hand Therapy may vary, and results may depend on the specific health condition and individual factors.